
Pusa Manav (Pusa 20211)

2,000.00 1,700.00

Packing Size: 10 Kg.
MoA with ZTM-BPD Unit of IARI for Multiplication and Selling of Pusa Manav Chickpea Variety.



 Maturity Days 108-110 days
 Release Year 2021
 Release Institute ICAR-IARI, New-Delhi and ICRISAT, Hyderabad
 Yield (quintal/acre) 15-16 quintal/acre
 Test Weight (gram) (100   seeds weight) 19.5 gram
 Seed Rate (kg/acre) 25-30 kg/acre
 Spacing (inches)
 Reaction to major   diseases and pests Highly resistant to wilt. Moderately resistant to dry root rot, collar rot and stunt it is also moderately resistant to pod borer.
 Morphological   Characters Dark brown seed colour
 Special Characters Yield potential double to that of existing varieties.


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