Maturity Days | 90-95 Days |
Release Year | 2022 |
Release Institute | Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri |
Yield (quintal/acre) | 10-12 quintal/acre |
Protein Percentage (%) | – |
Oil Percentage (%) | 18.25% |
Test Weight (gram) (100 seeds weight) | – |
Seed Rate (kg/acre) | 20-25 kg/acre |
Spacing (Inches) | 18-24 Inches |
Reaction to major diseases and pests | Resistant to rust, purple seed stain and bacterial pustule diseases. |
Morphological Characters | Semi-determinate plants, violet flower, rounded ovate leaf, yellow seeds with brown hilum, Penta foliate. Suitable for mechanical harvesting, rainfed areas and late sowing |
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